Bernadet Yaghobian, lmft
Don’t fear the unknown
Stepping into the unknown can be uncomfortable, scary, and cause anxiety. These emotions often prevent us from taking risks and instead, we let fear and anxiety control our decisions. It takes great courage to venture down a path without knowing all the details, so it’s important to recognize that not everyone is capable of taking that first step. It’s like driving on a foggy road without clear visibility. It’s natural to feel uneasy about things we don’t understand or haven’t experienced before, but it’s important to remember that new experiences can be exciting and rewarding. Part of fearing the unknown is also witnessing how your caregivers dealt with it. It can also be part of a learned behavior- Did they face the challenge, or did they give up and let fear take the best of them? Instead of letting fear hold you back, embrace the unknown and approach it with curiosity and an open mind. You never know what opportunities or lessons you may discover. However, it’s still necessary to take that first step and move forward. Why?
Because if you don’t, someone else may walk your path, and no one wants to live with regrets. Plus, as you reflect on the past, you’ll realize the inner strength and courage that have empowered you to accomplish your goals.
Bernadet Yaghobian,
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #89372
Los Angles, California